Posted on 3/19/2024

Yes its that time of year again when DuFresne's Auto Service sends out their rebates to their loyal customers. Rebates are sent out over the course of 3 months starting in February. Once you receive your rebate you have 42 days to redeem them on any service you have performed. Give us a call and book your appointment today. Or go on line at and book your appointment. 
Posted on 3/15/2024

Did you know DuFresne's Auto Service has Loaner Cars available for qualified services. When you make your appointment make sure you let us know you need a FREE Loaner. Just make sure you top off the gas at the shell station down the street, Requirements are the following. Must be 25, have a drivers license, a credit card/debit card, and proof of insurance.  
Posted on 3/27/2020
We take your safety and ours very serious. We are sanitizing each vehicle before and after. Thankyou to Marco for demonstrating. Our building and lobby are locked down. All business conducted via drive thru Window, telephone, e mail and or cell phone. Office phone. 503 646 2940. Email [email protected], Text 360 721 7484.  
Posted on 2/16/2017

I am sure you have noticed all the Pot Holes after all the winter storms. Especially if you go down Burnside and or Cornell. Some of the roads are so bad you can't go around them. The Pot Holes really take a toll on your vehicle. Have you noticed your vehicle not going down the road straight? Your tires wearing unevenly? Letting these conditions continue will cost you more money down the road. Give us a call and make an appointment for our POT HOLE E-MAIL SPECIAL. We will rotate and balance your Front Tires and do an alignment if needed. Regular Price is $142.98 ---We will slash this price to $89.99 thru February 28th, 2017 You save $52.99! (most vehicles) Report Pot Holes Washington County 503 846 7623, Multnomah County 503 988 5050 Smart Phone App PDXReporter